May weapons be silenced, let us heed the cry for peace (Pope Francis)!
Worldwide Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace Friday, October 27, 2023
At the General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, Pope Francis called for a day of fasting and prayer, a day of penance for the intention of peace in the world, especially in Israel and Palestine. The Holy Father reminds us that “so many war fronts are already open in the world.” So, our prayer for peace includes every part of the world as well, including Ukraine.
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11:30 AM in the Basilica Holy Rosary
Let us turn to Our Lady, Queen of Peace, for her heavenly help to bring peace to the world.
12:05 PM in the Basilica Holy Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice
Archbishop Nelson J. Perez Archbishop of Philadelphia Celebrant and Homilist
Archbishop Borys Gudziak Metropolitan Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Concelebrant
All are welcome!
Archbishop Perez exhorts the clergy and the lay faithful throughout the Archdiocese to observe this Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace. All parishes, religious communities and institutions throughout the Archdiocese are asked to announce this Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace beginning this Sunday, October 22, 2023, with local plans for its observance, especially with the praying of the Holy Rosary and the celebration of Holy Mass.