The parish Holy Name Society, a service organization for men of the parish, invite you a “Meet and Greet” on Sunday, 5 November 2023 following the 8:00 am Mass. Breakfast will be served in the Cafeteria and we offer an opportunity to come and see what we are about, meet new people and help with service to the parish community. Throughout the year we assist with parish activities such as: Saint Patty’s Night Party, Fall Festival, Visitation Program, Healing Mass, Valentine’s Day Mass, Corpus Christi Celebration, Communion Breakfast, Monthly meetings and parish updates, socialization events including outings, poker nights, etc. Contact Us if you have any questions: Steve McDevitt (stevemcd97@gmail.com), Michael Tatman (tamanmj@comcast.net), Dave Simek (dsimek531@gmail.com), or call parish office to sign up – (215) 672-7280.